Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Plan C, Part II

Ok, so we went to the doctor this morning, and as it turns out, Clint is just fine in there, but my fluid is a little low, so the doctor wants to go ahead and induce. WHOO-HOO!!! Last night and this morning, I have been quite uncomfortable with random contractions that don't seem to be doing much.

We are going to the hospital at 2pm today. There are currently no beds available, but they expect someone to deliver any minute now. The doctor said if we don't get started at 2pm, we WILL still do it today, so we are happy with that.

Craig will be updating Facebook because he can do it from his phone, and when we have a chance, we'll update this blog.

That's all we know right now. WE ARE GOING TO HAVE A BABY!!!!!

1 comment:

Melissa Jackson said...

Thanks for the updates. I'm so excited for you guys! I'll be anxious to get updates from Craig via Facebook. I'm praying for you!

~Melissa R.