Friday, June 5, 2009

Clint's Pad

Here's a combination room/belly shot for you. This pic was taken when Craig was just finishing painting back in March when I went to Ft. Worth to see Summer.

Here is a little progression for you:

There is actually more in the room than these pictures show. I didn't realize we didn't have "completed room" pictures, so we'll have to rectify that. This next one shows the corner where there is now a gliding rocking chair and a curtain on the window.

Clint's room is all ready for him, and Momma and Daddy are more than ready for him!!! We are now two days past his due date, but given some immediate family history, I really did not anticipate otherwise. We are on "first standy" to be induced on Tuesday. Basically, that means we get to wait by the phone on Monday for the hospital to call us and say they have a spot available for us on Tuesday. They may call us and tell us they don't have anything yet, but keep waiting, and maybe we'll get in later that day. We were told that since we are "first standy," it is unlikely that we will get bumped to Wednesday, but I suppose it is still a possibility. At this point, inducing me is considered elective, so there is no priority rush for us. As much as we are ready to meet Clint, this gives us more of an opportunity to begin labor naturally, which would be ideal. Our only concern is that the ultrasound on Friday (6/26/09 - our due date) measured Clint at 8 lbs, 12 oz. Our doctor told us that this particular ultrasound person is consistently accurate with her measurements. So we're looking at a big boy!!! On the plus side, Clint looks very healthy, and I haven't had any problems, so we don't have any reason to be concerned...except for the poundage...

1 comment:

Rob and Lynda said...

Clint's room looks great! I really like the shade of green you picked out, and the black and white pictures of Kermit and Cookie Monster are great!
