"Plan A" was to go into labor on my own within a few days of my due date. Not likely, given my family history, but it was worth a shot.
"Plan B" was to be induced today. We were on standby at the hospital, so as soon as some other family took their new member home, we could come in and be induced. But, unfortunately, my doctor had a death in her family, so she had to be away. Evidently, it was very unexpected, and I feel sad for her. I'm sure her family would appreciate prayers of comfort. We were still on standby at the hospital, but the doctor on call was not able to fit me into his schedule, so we were not able to induce today. The nurse did not have the July call schedule yet, so we could not make any plans for tomorrow yet. She said she would see what information she could gather and call us today with the new plan.
So here is "Plan C": We have an appointment tomorrow with our doctor at our doctor's office. We will have another ultrasound, and we'll get checked out. That's all we know for sure at this point. We are HOPING that the ultrasound will reveal that Clint is perfectly fine, but big enough that he needs to be delivered sooner rather than later. He measured at 8 lbs, 12 oz on Friday, so odds are he is bigger now... We are a tad bit concerned about availability at the hosptial, due to the upcoming holiday weekend, especially since we were only on standby the first time around. The nurse told me that since we are past the due date already, the further we get into this week, the more of a priority we become at the hospital. I'm hoping after our appointment, they'll just send us over to the hospital, but we'll just have to wait and see.
I've been having contractions since Sunday night, but they have not followed a pattern of any kind. I'd like to assume they are doing something, but who knows??? Yesterday, my mom and I went to the grocery store, and today, Craig and I went to the mall to walk for a while. We're just waiting, and trying to have fun in the meantime. We have dinner plans tonight with Trent and Rachel. Then, we'll just see what the doctor says tomorrow!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Family Camp South (FCS)
I am a big supporter of Family Camp with our church family, but since I was due the weekend of Family Camp, we didn't get to go. It was a really hard decision to make, or rather to accept, I suppose. I guess we could have, since we still don't have a baby, but I have a feeling that as much good as we would have gotten out of Family Camp, I probably would have been fairly uncomfortable. Jenn, John and Trey stayed in town, too, in anticipation of Clint's arrival. We were disappointed that we were going to miss all the fun, so I planned a party at Jenn and John's house. We called up a couple of other families that had wanted to go to Family Camp, but weren't able, and had a fun evening. We played some Guitar Hero, ate some good food, and...YES, we even had s'mores!!! Harry and Trey had fun playing together. Hayes and Clint would have played together, had Clint decided to be born yet, but Hayes played with the big boys this time.
We were glad to have something fun planned for the weekend, since there was no hospital trip for us. I was almost hoping that if we made plans, they would be interrupted, but that didn't happen, and we had fun with friends anyway! Thanks to the Oliverios for opening up their home for Family Camp South!!! (If we missed anyone who couldn't go to Family Camp, I'm sorry.)
We are looking forward to Family Camp next year when Clint will be big enough to play!!!
We were glad to have something fun planned for the weekend, since there was no hospital trip for us. I was almost hoping that if we made plans, they would be interrupted, but that didn't happen, and we had fun with friends anyway! Thanks to the Oliverios for opening up their home for Family Camp South!!! (If we missed anyone who couldn't go to Family Camp, I'm sorry.)
We are looking forward to Family Camp next year when Clint will be big enough to play!!!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Clint's Pad
Here's a combination room/belly shot for you. This pic was taken when Craig was just finishing painting back in March when I went to Ft. Worth to see Summer.

Here is a little progression for you:

Here is a little progression for you:
There is actually more in the room than these pictures show. I didn't realize we didn't have "completed room" pictures, so we'll have to rectify that. This next one shows the corner where there is now a gliding rocking chair and a curtain on the window.
Clint's room is all ready for him, and Momma and Daddy are more than ready for him!!! We are now two days past his due date, but given some immediate family history, I really did not anticipate otherwise. We are on "first standy" to be induced on Tuesday. Basically, that means we get to wait by the phone on Monday for the hospital to call us and say they have a spot available for us on Tuesday. They may call us and tell us they don't have anything yet, but keep waiting, and maybe we'll get in later that day. We were told that since we are "first standy," it is unlikely that we will get bumped to Wednesday, but I suppose it is still a possibility. At this point, inducing me is considered elective, so there is no priority rush for us. As much as we are ready to meet Clint, this gives us more of an opportunity to begin labor naturally, which would be ideal. Our only concern is that the ultrasound on Friday (6/26/09 - our due date) measured Clint at 8 lbs, 12 oz. Our doctor told us that this particular ultrasound person is consistently accurate with her measurements. So we're looking at a big boy!!! On the plus side, Clint looks very healthy, and I haven't had any problems, so we don't have any reason to be concerned...except for the poundage...
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