Wednesday, February 4, 2009

What It Is

What what is?

Craig and I are going to have a little baby! If you read some "recent" posts, I alluded to this fact, but just to clear the air...Yes, we are going to have a baby - more than likely in June. The due date is June 26, 2009, but we all know what due dates mean!!

On Friday, this Friday, February 6th, we hope to find out "What It Is." We have an ultrasound appointment, and provided Pumpkin McRiblet cooperates, we'll be able to finally assign a "he" or "she" to "him" or "her". The doctor will be looking to make sure everything is growing right, but we'll let her worry about that, and we'll mostly be focused on one area. :-) It will be cool to see how much Pumpkin McRiblet has grown over the last six weeks since the last ultrasound.

A couple of weeks ago, I thought I felt Pumpkin McRiblet move, but then I didn't feel anything else, so I thought I might have misinterpreted those feelings. But now, regardless of what I felt before, I can say, definitively, that I feel Pumpkin McRiblet move on a somewhat regular basis. In fact, as I sat down in my car to go to work this morning, Pumpkin McRiblet kicked me. I guess nobody really wants to go to work.


Jessica said...

Can't wait until Friday! I know you guys are soooo excited!

Unknown said...

Papa Doug is very excited also!! We love all three of you very very much!

Rachel said...

Such a tease post! I thought you had an answer to the title!! Can't wait till tomorrow...