Our niece, Ashlee, had expressed interest in going camping with Uncle Pop and Aunt Stephanie, so for Christmas, we got her a new camping chair and her very own pink and purple lantern. As bright as it is, I wouldn't mind having one for myself! We had a free weekend last weekend, so Craig called Ashlee and asked her if she would like to camping that Saturday night, and she said yes. So we loaded up the car, and after running a few errands, including buying food for Roscoe so Me-Maw could feed him while we were gone, we finally got out of town and on the road toward Hunstville State Park.
Before we went to our campsite, we stopped to visit Big Sam, where we paid tribute to Craig's alma mater, Sam Houston State University, by singing their school song.
Hail alma mater, hats off to you
Ever you'll find us loyal and true
Firm and undaunted ever we'll be
Here's to the school we love; here's a toast to thee.
You can really see what a beautiful day it was. The sky was so blue. Also, notice my mad photography skillz!!!
When we got to our campsite, Ashlee helped us set up both tents, and she said that she wanted to sleep in her own tent all by herself. We were impressed by how brave she was, and even more impressed that she actually spent the entire night in the tent all by herself!!! We were so proud of her. She was not scared at all!!! Ashlee even pointed out a racoon by a tree less than 20 feet from us!!! She is one brave 7-year-old!!!
We took a short walk down to the fishing pier, and Ashlee and Uncle Pop fished for a while. They didn't catch anything, but someone else on the pier caught a bass, and another one caught a catfish. Fortunately, we were planning on eating out that night! The next morning, they went fishing again, but this time, Ashlee's fishing rod fell into lake! They decided to call it a day as far as fishing was concerned, and headed back to camp. A few seconds after they got back, a little boy ran up behind them, completely out of breath and told us that they were able to fish out Ashlee's rod! So Craig went back and got it. Still no fish, but at least we can keep trying!

We also played card games, frisbee, roasted marshmallows, and did some art-work. I know that Uncle Pop and I had a blast, and I think Ashlee did, too!! Hopefully, we can go camping again soon...maybe for two nights next time! We are happy that she enjoys doing things like this with us. It makes us a proud Uncle and Aunt!!!!!
Before we went to our campsite, we stopped to visit Big Sam, where we paid tribute to Craig's alma mater, Sam Houston State University, by singing their school song.
Hail alma mater, hats off to you
Ever you'll find us loyal and true
Firm and undaunted ever we'll be
Here's to the school we love; here's a toast to thee.