Saturday, September 26, 2009
Oh yeah, and Clint sleeps all night, and has since he turned six weeks old. He goes to bed between 9pm and 9:30pm, and generally wakes up around 8am! We have our occasional mishaps, but for the most part, we follow this schedule. that's a different story, but at least we get to sleep at night!
Busy Clint
Sorry for the delay, folks. Clint has been super busy!!! So busy, in fact, that he didn't even get a two month post. So today Clint is 12 weeks old. He will be three months on October 4th. He is smiling all the time, and it sounds like he is laughing, too! Clint has started doing ab crunches - gotta stay in shape! He tries to sit up when we hold him in a cradle-like position, or when he is strapped into his carseat. He holds his up up very proudly, and he can sit in his bumbo seat. He also likes to sit on the couch with Momma and watch TV. I like to watch Family Fued while I eat lunch, and I have to be mindful to change the channel when its over because that's when Maury comes on. Smut...pure smut.
Clint's first Kolache Festival in Caldwell, TX. For the last several years, we've tried to go to this event with Trent and Rachel. I think I had only been once, and the guys had gone one year, and last year, Ike didn't allow the trip. This year, there was no hurricane, but it sure did rain!!! Clint was nice and dry (for the most part) in his stroller, with his Daddy carrying the umbrella over it.

When we got home, we relaxed and watched some college football. Yes, that is Aggie maroon, the outfit Craig got for him for me in my stocking last Christmas!!

You can really see the resemblance in this picture. :-)
Clint has stayed by himself at both of his grandparents' houses so Momma could do things like exchange some of his clothes for bigger sizes, get the car looked at, and get a haircut.
At his two month check-up, which was at about nine and a half weeks, Clint weighed 12 lbs, 6 oz, and he was 25 1/4 inches long. Because he is so long, he is already wearing 9 month clothes! He doesn't fill them out much width-wise, but he needs every bit of the length in his torso and legs. It is still hard for me to believe, considering his parents' heights. It has been challenging to dress him in this warm weather, since most of his clothes that fit now are long sleeves and sweat pants. Fortunately, he has a few outfits that are September-in-Texas-appropriate that were likely intended to be worn next Spring. I was excited about our not-as-hot-front this past week!!!
Here are some of the events of the last two months:
Clint's first Astros game (we won't discuss the score). He did really well. He slept in the front carrier on the short walk to the park - Craig found us some close free parking! Then, he was awake for most of the game.
He fell asleep after the 7th inning stretch, and we stayed for the whole game. He slept through the walk back and the drive home, too! It was a great first game experience for all three of us.
When we got home, we relaxed and watched some college football. Yes, that is Aggie maroon, the outfit Craig got for him for me in my stocking last Christmas!!
Clint also got to meet his Great Grandpa Clinton Rutherford, after whom he is named, and Mamaw, too, but we didn't get pictures of her on this card. We'll have to update later!!
You can really see the resemblance in this picture. :-)
Clint has stayed by himself at both of his grandparents' houses so Momma could do things like exchange some of his clothes for bigger sizes, get the car looked at, and get a haircut.
Yesterday, we went to meet Kakki and Trey and Aunt Jenn at Candy Cane Park in Conroe. Incidently, this is where Jenn and I used to have birthday parties when we were little. Of course, all of the play equipment is different (probably a good thing), but the little gazebo where we had cake is still there! It was fun to watch Trey play, and Kakki packed a picnic lunch for us. Clint enjoyed it for a little while, then took a nap. And since there were more adults than children at this outing, I got to play, too!
Tonight, Craig went to a concert with Ray, so he suggested that Clint and I go out on a date, so we did. Any guesses? That's right! We went to Freebirds!!! Once Clint woke up, I got lots of smiles!!! Good call, Craig!!
Rookie Mistake
I'm pretty sure I just woke Clint up watching a video of Clint. I didn't realize the volume was up so high. Oops.
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